娛樂圈因為泰勒絲再次發生大混戰,小賈夫婦、Cara、Katy Perry等都被捲入

近日, 泰勒絲曾經所在的大機器 Big Machine公司被 Scooter Braun,也就是小賈和Ariana Grande的經紀人 以3亿美元收購。泰勒絲對此非常不滿, 發長文做出回應。
而這件事要回溯到Taylor和舊東家解約的事。據傳Scooter收購大機器此舉是單純想要Taylor的唱片版權。早在雙方解約之前,Taylor就與大機器就版權問題協商很久,但未能破冰,最終Taylor以天價簽約現在的Republic Records。前提就是Taylor從今以後能夠完全掌握自己的歌曲版權。因為一般來說,歌曲版權通常歸屬唱片公司,歌手和作者擁有著作權和收益分紅,但沒有公司允許,沒有版權的歌手是不能擅自改版或者再發行歌曲。也因此,Taylor在文中提到:儘管自己的過去不在自己手裡,而現在和未來都屬於自己。


那為何說Scooter是覬覦Taylor的版權呢?去年Variety指出,Taylor從出道至2018年為大機器貢獻了80%的營收,一張唱片的總價值高達2000萬美元。也就是說Taylor 的6張專輯版權給公司帶來了1.2億美元的價值!


Taylor在長文中指出Scooter Braun曾聯合自己的客戶,包括Kanye West霸淩自己,精心策劃了電話洩露事件讓自己遭到網友群起憤慨。 如今這6張專輯的版權自己無法買回來。



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✌️Friday calmness✌️

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而對於Taylor的截屏和長文,小賈馬上在IG上道歉並回應。小賈先是分享了自己以前跟泰勒絲的一張合照,並寫下:「嘿泰勒!首先我想為自己之前發出的那則 PO 文所道歉,那時我只是覺得很有趣,現在看來它確實是令人不愉快的⋯⋯但這件事和 Scooter 沒有任何關係,我認為妳在 SNS 上這樣做,對 Scooter 是很不公平的,妳這樣做是想要達成什麼目的嗎?在我看來只是博取同情,然後煽動妳的粉絲去霸淩他。我和 Scooter 都很開放並願意和妳進行溝通並化解紛爭。」、「我們希望妳能一切都好,我通常不會在這種事情上反駁別人,但是這次妳詆毀了我愛的人,所以那就越界了⋯⋯。」

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Hey Taylor. First of all i would like to apologize for posting that hurtful instagram post, at the time i thought it was funny but looking back it was distasteful and insensitive.. I have to be honest though it was my caption and post that I screenshoted of scooter and Kanye that said “taylor swift what up” he didnt have anything to do with it and it wasnt even a part of the conversation in all actuality he was the person who told me not to joke like that.. Scooter has had your back since the days you graciously let me open up for you.! As the years have passed we haven’t crossed paths and gotten to communicate our differences, hurts or frustrations. So for you to take it to social media and get people to hate on scooter isn’t fair. What were you trying to accomplish by posting that blog? seems to me like it was to get sympathy u also knew that in posting that your fans would go and bully scooter. Anyway, One thing i know is both scooter and i love you. I feel like the only way to resolve conflict is through communication. So banter back and fourth online i dont believe solves anything. I’m sure Scooter and i would love to talk to you and resolve any conflict, pain or or any feelings that need to be addressed. Neither scooter or i have anything negative to say about you we truly want the best for you. I usually don’t rebuttal things like this but when you try and deface someone i loves character thats crossing a line..

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此外,Halsey力挺黴黴,表示她是自己堅持寫歌的動力。 也提到了未來的音樂產業還有很長的路要走。Iggy和Todrick Hall也力挺Taylor。但Taylor好閨蜜Selena Gomez的好友Demi則力挺Scooter。原因與她最近簽了Scooter當自己經紀人不無關係。 Demi表示:「我已經面對了這個行業很多惡人,而Scooter並不是,他是好人。 請不要再欺負別人了,這個世界已經有太多仇恨。 」





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