目前正忙著開巡迴演唱會的Justin Bieber,最近在推特上發表聲明自己無法前往阿根廷開演唱會,而原因正是因為2013年的一起案件!回顧案情,當時正處於極端叛逆期的小賈,於2013年11月在阿根廷酒吧外與保鏢發生了肢體衝。之後更因為行為不端成為整個阿根廷通緝的對象。
Argentina I do love you. It is in fact one of my favorite places to tour. I wish this was not the case. My lawyers say it is what it is.
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) May 16, 2016
Argentinian beliebers I would like nothing more than to bring the #purposetour there but until the legal conditions change there I can’t.
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) May 16, 2016