週六,Zac Efron與模特女友Sami Miró共同現身洛杉磯街頭慢跑!身穿運動裝的兩人在未開始鍛煉之前,搭著胳膊,愛意滿滿!毫無疑問兩人又在秀恩愛!不久前,28歲的演員Zac Efron與模特女友Sami Miró才從日本和越南遊玩歸來!哎呦!旅行中的兩人在欣賞當地美景的同時,也不忘將他們的旅程秀給大家!兩人在Instagram分享了他們在旅行中的照片!各種秀恩愛!
@ZacEfron and His Girlfriend Sami Miro . Together pic.twitter.com/R6QENvAc6H
— Noura V.B O’Donnell (@NouraVerg) December 21, 2014
See @ZacEfron and his girlfriend, @SamiMiro, share a sweet kiss: http://t.co/pDcMQdGW5q pic.twitter.com/cUaDDTPbWy — CELEBUZZ (@CELEBUZZ) February 12, 2015
Zac Efron and his girlfriend Sami Miro spend their afternoon together on a hike around Griffith Park pic.twitter.com/IoovOnb33b
— Daily News (@costea_natalia) March 12, 2015
Zac Efron and his girlfriend Sami Miro pic.twitter.com/6iswAZuk3h — Interracial Love (@WMBWInterracial) September 22, 2015
hodan| PINNED TWEET @twcoliver: zac efron and his girlfriend sami miro are so perfect together pic.twitter.com/YitM5XLlU8
— Glenda Rios (@Riosglendav) November 30, 2015
Zac Efron and his girlfriend Sami Miro look amazing together on vacation in Hawaii: http://t.co/zGPJCNHXus pic.twitter.com/y4vdxoMglR — AOL Entertainment (@AOLEntertain) June 6, 2015