
在正確的時間,正確的地點,和正確的人體驗一場奇妙的旅程,大概是所有人心中的童話憧憬吧。現在,小編就給大家一個實現夢想的機會。只要時間合適,妳就可以通過Malibu海底洞窟看到似真似幻的銀河仙境。攝像師Jack Fusco 就幸運地捕捉住了這個瞬間,就好像從天空另一邊傾斜下來,直通西邊。天空中繁星閃亮,那美景如夢似幻。隨著時間的推移,景色也鬥轉星移。這是生活在光汙染嚴重的都市孩童所不能看見的風光。那星空閃爍,璀璨星辰的夜空,小編也只能在記憶裏回想了啊。




Night Watch – Malibu, California Another shot from an awesome night of shooting in Malibu. Working on planning a few shoots for the next New Moon. I can’t wait to head back out. It was a little rough to crop this one square, so head over to my Facebook / main site to check out the full frame later today. There was a concrete block in front of the lifeguard stand that I ended up removing in post. I generally don’t clone things out of any of my photos or believe in using a different foreground / sky exposures, so I felt the need to disclose that the block was removed. #adventureworthy #California #Malibu #lacounty  #stargazing #nikonnofilter #caves #epic_captures #milkyway @instagood #instagoodmyphoto @1×5 #inspiring_photography_admired

A photo posted by Jack Fusco (@jackfusco) on



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